
Summer's End and Fall Planning

As the summer of 2013 draws to a close, the smart retailer is already planning for fall teas, back to school, and the holiday season. And perhaps taking one long breath before the busy season comes...

While it might be hard for to think about the end of summer’s slow, relaxing pace, it is also difficult not to be excited for the seasons to come. This is when most of our clients make the bulk of their sales and therefore are the lifeblood of their business year.

Lingering glow of summer.
Lingering glow of summer.

Most of your tea vendors will be getting the lion’s share of their 2013 harvest in soon, making the next month or so a very good time to place orders for the holiday season. You will have your choice of products to choose from before popular items start to really move. Even though the best companies strive to ensure product availability, as the season progresses there are always demand surprises and key products can sell out unexpectedly early. If you know what sold well for you last year, and plan to reorder those items, let your vendors know and place those orders as soon as you can.

Tea classes and tea events draw customers in to your shop, so be sure to have your plans well laid out in advance so you have adequate time to promote them around town and on social media outlets. Brewing workshops, food pairings and origin tasting are great ways to create product awareness and a more intimate connection to the client. Good luck with your planning, and be sure to enjoy the end of summer!

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