
Specialty Tea Provides Comfort During Pandemic

Soothing wellness teas offer comfort.
Soothing wellness teas offer comfort.

Specialty tea purveyors all seem to be reporting a swell of sales growth that started when the COVID-19 pandemic struck the United States. Consumers, in the most stressful of times, are seeking the comfort and wellness of our precious teas and tisanes.

Tea and herbal blends are well-poised to provide a soothing effect on rattled nerves as well as the benefits of antioxidants and much, much more. Every cup has its own inherent gifts, even if it’s just a warm belly and a smile to someone’s face. How fortunate for us tea sellers, to be able to offer solace and wellness in a teacup.

What’s Trending Now?

Currently, with the ebb and flow of the pandemic waves of incidences, comfort foods are important. In the food world, this usually means starchy foods, the trio of dessert flavors (chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry), and sugary treats. Also important are fun fruity iced teas, to carry consumers through the summer months with a little fun. Teas with fruit and floral flavors that infuse to bright colors are nice distractions, fee indulgent, and refreshing while dining outdoors.

What Will Trend in Autumn?

With the autumnal months comes more uncertainty, unfortunately. How will the school year start? Will parents be able to return to their previous work schedules? Will day care be open and safe? Will teachers be safe and able to work in the capacities their school district deem necessary? Regardless of the answers, people will still need tea. Wellness blends for cold and flu care, those with elderberries, green teas, ginger based chai blends, and herbals will become highly desirable.

Fun and tasty treats to offset the health centric consumer needs will make for delicious add-ons to any tea order. Be sure to offer pumpkin flavored teas, chai spiced teas, apple, pomegranate, and dessert themed teas like Chocolate Truffle or Autumn Mist with its crème brulee notes.

Keep wellness and indulgence in your mind as you plan your tea promotions for a success few months ahead. Tea sellers always believe that there is a tea for any person, any event, and any need. Remember the saying, “The only constant is change,” and its tea world response, “We have a tea for that!”

Contact us at orders@adagio.com for autumn and wellness tea ideas. Feel free to also suggest tea ideas to us as we move along through this unusual year. We are open to suggestion!

Stay healthy and be happy!

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