
Join TeaMap

Announce your presence to tea fans everywhere. Both around-the-corner and across the nation. List your business in TeaMap, the most complete country-wide directory of great tea establishments. To get a preview, please visit

Queen Mary tearoom Seattle, WA
Queen Mary tearoom Seattle, WA

Listing is free. And your tearoom may already be included. Please take a few moments to make your entry more appealing. It's very easy. Simply provide two photos: an interior and exterior view of your establishment. And a bit of text to entice customers to visit you. Not sure what to include? View examples at

Please also confirm that we have correctly listed your address and phone number. And please list your hours of operation. And a web address if available.

To make finding you easier, we'll include a street map pinpointing your location. And invite customers to post reviews. We hope these may announce to others the attractiveness of your establishment. And encourage more people to visit you.

We also suggest you add a "special offer" coupon. Such as a free cup of tea. Entice new customers to visit you, and they will surely be coming back for more. Participation is optional. And you may discontinue at any time.

We hope you may wish to be included. And will drop us a note if you have any questions or suggestions. We'll be happy to reply.

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